Third Photoshoot
13th of November
Shooting Plan
When? On the 13th of November from 10 am till 2 pm.
Where? I'd arrive from Liverpool Street station and then walk to the Old Petticoat Market, then to the Spitalfields Market and finally, finishing in Brick Lane Market.
The purpose of this shoot is to compare and contrast these three markets and their clientele through images.
Equipment? My Canon 750D/Rebel T6i with an 18 to 55mm lens.

Photoshoot Images

Overall, this shoot was a success. My original shooting plan was to go to Borough Market, but due to rain, I couldn't do the shoot that day. At the end, I ended up visiting three markets (Old Petticoat Market, Spitalfields Market and Brick Lane Market), all with different vibes and clientele, so I decided to make this the intention of my shoot: to compare and contrast these three markets. The shoot was a success because even with all the complications, I managed to get some good shots. Also, after evaluating my past two shoots, I can tell how my photography is slowly improving and I'm getting a better sense of how to shoot in semi-automatic modes.
I took around five hundred pictures, but I ended up only really liking twenty five of them; but only eleven truly showed the intention I wanted to show, so I used those for this.
There are some great things about this shoot, but also some bad things. My favourite thing about this shoot has to be the composition and leading lines of some of the images. The worst thing about this shoot is that some of my images came out blurry, and I blame it on me not keeping the camera steady and also because I'm still not great using aperture mode, but I'm slowly improving with every shoot.
More Images
(in order of preference)

I really like this image because of it's pattern and texture. The teddy bears feel tactile. I also like the colour palette in the image, particularly how the blue bear is emphasised by the pink pigs, making the blue bear be the main subject of the image.
The main subject of this image is emphasised through the rule of thirds as he is exactly on the right line of the rule. It is an interesting picture because of the exchange that is happening between the people. The biggest issue with this image is with the exposure, as it's a bit overexposed which messed up the skin tones of the subjects in the image.